How do I get it back?

For Nation­al return postage we pre­fer a return, self-addressed Cana­da Post Pre­paid Envelopes. You can pur­chase these at any Postal Out­let and include them when you mail your film in to us. Make sure when pur­chas­ing the return pack­age you leave ample room to fit your mate­ri­als, as well as mak­ing sure you fill out the return address on the return enve­lope. Alter­na­tive­ly we can arrange ship­ping to any Express Couri­er account that you pro­vide (FED-EX, PUROLATOR, CANPAR, ETC). Please include the com­pa­ny and account num­ber to be used on the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form.

Post­ed in: a. Ship­ping with­in Canada

the film lab for artists