D2F exam­ples our film out­put to Kodak 7203 50D colour neg­a­tive. Then scanned back to dig­i­tal, flat and quick grade exam­ples. These images used in kind per­mis­sion from Brax­ton Jennings. 

D2F exam­ples of our film out­put to Kodak 7294 100D colour rever­sal. Then scanned back to dig­i­tal, flat and final grade exam­ples. These images used in kind per­mis­sion from Soren James.

Dig­i­tal to Film16 D2F
per ft.
16 D2F+
HD scan
16 D2F+
2K scan
16 D2F+
4K scan
16 D2F+
35 D2F
per ft.
BW Neg­a­tive
BW Rever­sal
BW Hi Con.
Col. Neg­a­tive
Col. Rever­sal

the film lab for artists