order form PLEASE FILL OUT AS MUCH INFO AS YOU CAN ABOUT YOUR PROJECT OR ORDER THEN HIT SUBMIT: Your Name (required) Your Phone (required) Your Email (required) Invoice Address: (Please provide at least one address, thank you): Shipping Address (If different from Billing Address): This next part is if your dropping off or sending in a current project. Please fill out what you can, if your ordering stock skip down to the ‘Ordering film stock’ part below. Let us know what services you will need for the film or digital files your leaving with us. Processing onlyProcess & PrintProcess & ScanScanning OnlyDigital to FilmOrdering Film StockOtherFeel free to leave any other details in the additional notes field found below (ex: If you are sending in film for processing as well as ordering fresh film stock). Additional Notes: (anything else you want to let us know): choose film format your working in 35mm16mmS8mm8mm How many rolls are you sending in or dropping off Which type of film Stock Colour NegativeColour ReversalB&W NegativeB&W Reversalmixed orderUnknown/Other Please select scanning specifications here by selecting from the options given in the dropdown windows below. If you do not need a ‘flat scan’ for post work, we can adjust the scan based on your exposure, balance your colours and increase contrast etc. There is no additional charge for us to perform this overall grade to each scan, if interested select ‘graded scan’ not ‘flat scan’, thanks! Graded ScanFlat/LOG scan HD2K4K Overscan/edge to edgeCropped Scan/camera gate only 24fps18fpsOther (please specify in Additional Notes) I will be providing my own formatted drivePlease upload to Google DrivePlease sell me a hard drive Would you be shipping or dropping off your project? Drop offShippingOther If you would like us to not return your film and hold it in our archives please select “hold film” if you would like your film returned to you please pick an option, thanks! Hold my filmShip with Canada PostShip with Fed ExHold for Pick up Our first choice to ship your stock order out to you, or to return your film and/or drive back is with Canada Post, which will get to most places in Canada within 1–3 days using the express post option. Our rate for this ranges from $20.00 — $40.00. PLACE YOUR ORDER OF FILM STOCK RIGHT HERE: D8, S8 or 16mm film for sale, on their own, or in a package deal. D8 25ft camera rolls of… Fomapan BW Rev, FPP Col Neg, Col Rev, BW Neg + BW Rev S8 50ft cartridges of… Kodak Col Neg.7203/7213/7219 or BW 7266-Tri‑x or Ekta 7294 16 100ft rolls of… Kodak Colour Neg.7203/7207/7213/7219 or BW 7222/7266 or Ekta 7294 16 400ft rolls of… Kodak Colour Neg.7203/7207/7213/7219 or BW 7222/7266 or Ekta 7294 Our current package deals include; ‘Stock with processing’ ‘Stock with processing and HD, 2k or 4K Scan’ The box below is for purchasing stocks only, please let us know which stocks your after, how many rolls, and which package deal, and hit submit. This will send us both copies of your order, we will email shortly to confirm, thank you.