getting your film to us





Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab is ded­i­cat­ed to keep­ing our staff and cus­tomers safe and projects secure by pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al pre­cau­tions to our pick up and drop off procedures.

After Hours Drop slot

Our after hours drop slot is sure get­ting a lot of use late­ly. Locat­ed to the left of our front door, its now an around the clock film drop off box.  A safe and easy way for local film mak­ers to leave their projects with us. Remem­ber to clear­ly label any­thing you leave with your name and con­tact infor­ma­tion. Then go fill out our online form.

New and improved reception

We had to make some phys­i­cal improve­ments to our small recep­tion area. It was well over due a face lift any­how.  By installing a germ bar­ri­er and remov­ing any options for sit­ting we have mod­i­fied our recep­tion area to allow for quick, safe and easy pick ups when allowed. My staff are behind a sol­id wall with a plex­i­glass win­dow. With every­one wear­ing masks a quick stop to grab your film is safe and easy.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Mes­sage

    the film lab for artists