Nuts and Bolts

What we do

Tips and Tricks 

f. Digital to Film (4)

What is it?

This ser­vice takes dig­i­tal video files and out­puts them to a matched neg­a­tive film master.

Why would I want that?

There are sev­er­al rea­sons one might per­form this ser­vice, a lot of cus­tomers orig­i­nate their film on video, edit their work and out­put their final piece to film neg­a­tives for archiv­ing, show print­ing, or sim­ply to gain some inter­est­ing effects or tex­tures before going back to dig­i­tal again. There are count­less ways this process can be utilized. 

How does it work?

We use a mod­i­fied Oxber­ry ani­ma­tion stand to record a video image to film, frame by frame from a 2K HD Monitor.

What do I need to send you?

A USB key, or HDD con­tain­ing your project file, and a filled out Order Form detail­ing what kind of ser­vice you would need along with any oth­er par­tic­u­lar details. 

c. Payment (6)

How can I pay for my order?

We accept cash, per­son­al cheques, Pay­Pal, Inter­ac e‑Transfers, and most major cred­it cards. In-store pick­ups can also pay by debit.

How can I pay for my order if I can’t pick up in person?

Clients can pay by cred­it card online or by phone. We can  accept per­son­al cheques, Cana­da Post Mon­ey Orders, Bank Drafts, or any oth­er type of Mon­ey Order. Pay­pal is also accept­ed but a 3% Ser­vice Charge will be applied to all Pay­Pal trans­ac­tions. You can also use INTERAC e‑mail mon­ey trans­fers. If pay­ing via Pay­pal or INTERACT e‑mail trans­fer please send them and the required pass­word to our E‑Mail</b>. Any orders mailed with per­son­al cheques will take longer to process and will not ship until full pay­ment is received.

Can I wire payments to your bank account?

While this pay­ment option is avail­able in some cir­cum­stances, please speak to us about mak­ing arrange­ments pri­or to send­ing your order out. You can Con­tact Us any­time to dis­cuss alter­na­tive pay­ment options.

Can I send cash when I mail my order?

While it is pos­si­ble if you are ship­ping with­in Cana­da, we high­ly rec­om­mend you do not send cash through the mail. We can­not guar­an­tee that it will get here as parcels can become dam­aged and it can become very dif­fi­cult to guar­an­tee that the cash stays in the par­cel dur­ing ship­ping, for a mul­ti­tude of reasons. 

What if I bounce a cheque?

All bounced cheques will incur all applic­a­ble bank fees charged to our account and will imme­di­ate­ly be placed in arrears on our sys­tem. Until the bal­ance owing is payed no new orders on these accounts will be processed. Fail­ure to prompt­ly sub­mit pay­ment may be sub­ject to addi­tion­al fees and in some cas­es alter­na­tive meth­ods of collection. 

Can I pay in installments/defer my payment?

3h. Whilst we can offer deferred pay­ment options to some of our account hold­ers, It is com­plete­ly under our dis­cre­tion whether or not clients qual­i­fy for deferred pay­ments and no orders will be shipped until full pay­ment has been received.

d. Pricing (5)

Do you offer discounts to Students/Co-Op Members?

Yes, Please see our price lists in the Ser­vices section.

How can I submit proof that I am a student/Co-Op Member?

Sim­ply bring a Valid stu­dent ID when drop­ping off your order, if you are mail­ing an order, please include a pho­to­copy of your Stu­dent ID, if no ID is pro­vid­ed by your insti­tu­tion or you do not have one avail­able at the time of ship­men, please include a stu­dent doc­u­ment (transcript/schedule with your full name and stu­dent num­ber as well as a copy of any Pho­to ID. For Co-Op mem­bers if your insti­tu­tion does not mail out your order on your behalf please include a let­ter from the Co-Op val­i­dat­ing your mem­ber­ship with the cur­rent date and include a pho­to­copy of your Pho­to ID, and con­tact details for the Co-Op you belong to.

How come not all services have a student discounts?

All basic lab ser­vices are offered at a dis­count­ed rate for stu­dents and Co-Ops, how­ev­er spe­cial­ty ser­vices are not cov­ered due to the nature of the work involved.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Yes, how­ev­er these orders have to be of sub­stan­tial quan­ti­ty. The size of the dis­count will vary on how much film will be processed. The lab and the indi­vid­ual or orga­ni­za­tion will enter in to an agree­ment that will stip­u­late the amount of film and the rate at which the lab will pro­vide the services. 

Do you offer sponsorships?

Yes, we are always glad to sup­port events, fes­ti­vals, char­i­ties, and any oth­er avenues where the use of Motion Pic­ture film will be pro­mot­ed. If you would like more infor­ma­tion please Con­tact Us.

d. Processing and Services (8)

How fast can you turn my project around?

This depends on the type of work involved, as well as demand, most orders will take between 5–10 Busi­ness days to be com­plet­ed, but this an aver­age. We treat each project equal­ly and work on them accord­ing to the order in which they arrive. We do not have a rush ser­vice but try our best to accom­mo­date all of our customer’s deadlines. 

Can I pay for a rush?

No, we treat everyone’s projects equal­ly. We do not believe that pay­ing slight­ly more makes anyone’s project more impor­tant than the rest. 

Why is my project taking so long/Where is my project?

There could be a vari­ety of rea­sons. First please make sure you check the track­ing of your pack­age reg­u­lar­ly to see if any prob­lems have occurred dur­ing ship­ping. Delays may have also occurred whilst work­ing on your project. Please Con­tact Us so that we can look into any delays or prob­lems on your order.

How will I know when my project will be ready?

Once our work on your project is com­plete we would for­ward the invoice out­lin­ing our work and the charges, this is a sig­nal your work is ready! 

Can you provide a forced process run push or pulling film? and how many stops…

Yes, we do pro­vide the forced pro­cess­ing of film here. We can push or pull up to four stops in either direc­tion. How­ev­er there are extra charges asso­ci­at­ed with this, due to the time and resources it takes. If inter­est­ed please ask for the details. thanks! 

We would also advise that in sit­u­a­tions of actu­al under­ex­po­sure, although films these days are quite for­giv­ing, there is no way to force an image out of your film if there is not one there to begin with… 

Do you do Registration Tests/Fog Tests?

Yes, we pro­vide these tests free of charge, how­ev­er if same day ser­vice is required for these tests, charges will apply and we require ample notice in order to accom­mo­date these requests. Please Con­tact Us for more details. 

Do you offer overnight/weekend services?

Yes, we require ample notice in order to accom­mo­date these requests. Please Con­tact Us for more details. 

Do you sell stock?

Yes, please con­tact us for more details.

b. Shipping Internationally (7)

How do I get my film to you?

You can post them to our address using your local post office or any oth­er for of Inter­na­tion­al Express Couri­er (FED-EX, DHL, UPS, ETC). Please include a print­ed Order Form.

Remem­ber to state clear­ly on the invoice & bill of lad­ing  that these goods are being import­ed for fur­ther pro­cess­ing & return­ing to the coun­try of ori­gin: No sale, No Charge, declared cost for Cus­toms pur­pos­es only, terms of sale DDP (Deliv­er Duty Paid). Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab may bill you for any import costs incurred.

Please note that inter­na­tion­al ship­ping can take sev­er­al weeks to get here depend­ing on the loca­tion and ser­vice you choose. Track your ship­ment reg­u­lar­ly as delays can hap­pen when it arrives in Canada.

How do I get it back?

We pre­fer arrange ship­ping to any Express Couri­er account that you pro­vide (Express Couri­er (FED-EX, DHL, UPS, ETC). Please include the com­pa­ny and account num­ber to be used on the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form.

How do I track my package?

If you includ­ed a com­plet­ed return express couri­er way­bill, please ensure you make note of the track­ing num­ber on the return way­bill. If you have sent postage or we are billing you for ship­ping we can for­ward that infor­ma­tion along once your film has shipped pro­vid­ed that you have includ­ed an e‑mail address on our Order Form.

What if I don’t have an express courier account set-up?

You can pro­vide an inter­na­tion­al express couri­er way­bill (ship­ping slip) with your return address and cred­it card infor­ma­tion filled out so that the ser­vice provider can bill the ship­ping and cus­toms charges to your cred­it card. Just include it with your pack­age when you send it. Please include a note stat­ing “Cred­it card info on attached way­bill” on the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion of our Order Form/b>. Alter­na­tive­ly you could sim­ply ask we bill your cred­it card for ship­ping, and add your cred­it card infor­ma­tion (CC Num­ber & Expiry Date) on the order form, as well as type of ser­vice required (Next Day, Next Day AM, Sat­ur­day Deliv­ery, Econ­o­my) unless oth­er wise stat­ed we will use Fed-Ex couri­er ser­vices. Some couri­ers will not accept cred­it card and ser­vice lev­el, price and cus­tom charges will vary from couri­er to courier.

Can I purchase postage and mail it to you?

Yes, we can accept some forms of inter­na­tion­al postage stamps. Esti­mates will change depend­ing on ship­ping weight and size of return par­cel, this can cause major delays if not enough postage is includ­ed with your ship­ment. Please men­tion stamps will be includ­ed in the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form. This method requires us to ship using Cana­di­an Postal ser­vices which can take sev­er­al weeks to arrive and can offer very lim­it­ed track­ing which is why we do not often rec­om­mend it. 

Can you bill me for shipping?

Yes. We would require set­ting up an account with you. Please see the “Set­ting Up an Account” (if pos­si­ble hyper­link to that FAQ sec­tion) sec­tion for more infor­ma­tion. Please men­tion that an account will be billed, and what type of ser­vice you require in the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form (hyper­link). For 1–5 day inter­na­tion­al deliv­ery we use Fed Ex expe­dit­ed ser­vices. We can also use Fed-Ex Inter­na­tion­al Econ­o­my. We can use inter­na­tion­al ship­ping with Local Postage ser­vices. This ser­vice lev­el can take sev­er­al weeks to arrive and track­ing can be very lim­it­ed unless shipped via Air Mail, which has strict size and weight lim­i­ta­tions, and lacks appro­pri­ate track­ing options, which is why we do not often rec­om­mend it. Fed-Ex Econ­o­my inter­na­tion­al is usu­al­ly com­pa­ra­ble in price. 

How much will it cost to ship back?

This real­ly depends on the type of ser­vice pro­vid­ed, and is entire­ly depen­dent on size and weight. There is no effec­tive way to pro­vide an accu­rate esti­mate, while using the cost of ship­ping to us as a ref­er­ence can be help­ful, it is not rec­om­mend­ed as it can often lead to under­es­ti­mat­ing the cost of return ship­ping and again will cause major delays. Cus­toms charges and tax­es can also become a prob­lem depend­ing on where and how pack­ages are sent. Again we rec­om­mend using express couri­ers as this guar­an­tees that your film will not get lost or delayed at customs.

a. Shipping within Canada (9)

How do I get my film to you?

You can post them to our address using Cana­da post or any oth­er for of Nation­al Express Couri­er (FED-EX, PUROLATOR, CANPAR, ETC). Please include a print­ed Order Form or send us an E‑Mail with an attached PDF of the com­plet­ed order form. Most peo­ple ship using Cana­da Post Pre­paid Envelopes.

What if my film won’t fit in a prepaid envelope?

You can send more than one enve­lope at a time, and bun­dle them togeth­er at a local Post office. If you send them as sep­a­rate packs and drop them off at a Post Box they may not arrive togeth­er, or at the same time. You could also pack them as a sin­gle large par­cel in a box or con­tain­er at the Post Office.

How do I get it back?

For Nation­al return postage we pre­fer a return, self-addressed Cana­da Post Pre­paid Envelopes. You can pur­chase these at any Postal Out­let and include them when you mail your film in to us. Make sure when pur­chas­ing the return pack­age you leave ample room to fit your mate­ri­als, as well as mak­ing sure you fill out the return address on the return enve­lope. Alter­na­tive­ly we can arrange ship­ping to any Express Couri­er account that you pro­vide (FED-EX, PUROLATOR, CANPAR, ETC). Please include the com­pa­ny and account num­ber to be used on the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form.

How do I track my package?

If you includ­ed a return pack, or have enclosed a com­plet­ed return express couri­er way­bill, please ensure you make note of the track­ing num­ber on the return envelope/waybill. If you have sent postage or we are billing you for ship­ping we can for­ward that infor­ma­tion along once your film has shipped pro­vid­ed that you have includ­ed an e‑mail address on our Order Form.

What if my film won’t fit in the prepaid envelope I provided? How will I know?

Some­times the mate­ri­als sent will either not fit or will be too heavy to send through a Cana­da Post Pre­paid Enve­lope. This can cause major delays. A good rule of thumb is to see if the entire­ty of your sealed pack­age would fit in to the return mail­er you pro­vid­ed. If this does not look to be the case then you will need to pro­vide a larg­er pre­paid pack, or include more than one return pack. 

What if I don’t have an express courier account set-up?

You can pro­vide an express couri­er way­bill (ship­ping slip) with your return address and cred­it card infor­ma­tion filled out so that the ser­vice provider can bill the ship­ping and cus­toms charges to your cred­it card. Just include it with your pack­age when you send it. Please include a note stat­ing “Cred­it card info on attached way­bill” on the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion of our Order Form. Alter­na­tive­ly you could sim­ply ask we bill your cred­it card for ship­ping, and add your cred­it card infor­ma­tion (CC Num­ber & Expiry Date) on the order form, as well as type of ser­vice required (Next Day, Next Day AM, Sat­ur­day Deliv­ery, Econ­o­my) unless oth­er­wise stat­ed we will use Fed-Ex couri­er ser­vices. Some couri­ers will not accept cred­it card, and ser­vice lev­el and price will vary from couri­er to courier.

Can I purchase postage and mail it to you?

Yes, we can accept postage stamps only. Pur­chas­ing an enve­lope and pay­ing for postage at your local Post Office will often not go through their sys­tem, as the track­ing of the par­cel needs to be gen­er­at­ed from our local Post Office, which is why self-addressed Cana­da Post Express Pre­paid Envelopes are pre­ferred. Esti­mates will change depend­ing on ship­ping weight and size of return par­cel, this can cause major delays if not enough postage is includ­ed with your ship­ment. Please men­tion stamps will be includ­ed in the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form.

Can you bill me for shipping?

Yes. We would require set­ting up an account with you. Please see the “Set­ting Up an Account” sec­tion below under “Billing” for more infor­ma­tion. Please men­tion that an account will be billed, and what type of ser­vice you require in the “Order Infor­ma­tion” sec­tion on our Order Form (hyper­link). For next day deliv­ery we use Fed Ex overnight. 2–4 Day Deliv­ery we use Cana­da Post XPRESSPOST. We can also use Fed-Ex 3 day econ­o­my or Cana­da Post Expe­dit­ed Par­cel ser­vices for 3–7 day delivery. 

How much will it cost to ship back?

This real­ly depends on the type of ser­vice pro­vid­ed, and is entire­ly depen­dent on size and weight. There is no effec­tive way to pro­vide an accu­rate esti­mate, while using the cost of ship­ping to us as a ref­er­ence can be help­ful, it is not rec­om­mend­ed as it can often lead to under­es­ti­mat­ing the cost of return ship­ping and again will cause major delays.

g. Scanning (6)

What file types do you offer?

We can out­put to most major file types, includ­ing Apple ProRes, DNx­HD, TIFF, OpenEXR, DPX, and DCP. Our stan­dard out­put is Apple ProRes 422.

What film gauges do you scan?

We can scan all small gauge for­mats, includ­ing 8mm, Super 8, 9.5mm, 16mm, and Super 16.

How do I get my files?

Film­mak­ers should include an ade­quate hard dri­ve with the footage sub­mit­ted for any scan­ning order. This hard dri­ve should be either backed up or emp­ty. Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab is not respon­si­ble for any data loss.

How much storage space will I need?

We sug­gest a ratio of 16GB per 100′.

What if I forgot to include a hard drive with my order?

Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab can source a dri­ve with suf­fi­cient space and include it in your invoice.

How long will you keep a copy of my files in your system?

Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab will store your files for two weeks after the order has shipped, though we may hold the files longer by request.

the film lab for artists